Data Analytics and Visualization Bootcamp

Data Analytics and Visualization Bootcamp

AI & Data Science

This journey equips you to transform data into actionable insights, and equips you with its latest practices in the market, preparing you for a successful career in data analysis.

What you will learn?



  • Develop effective communication skills
  • Express ideas clearly and confidently
  • Deliver engaging and persuasive presentations
  • Write a compelling CV that highlights skills and experiences effectively
  • Confidently navigate job interviews and make a positive impression
  • Develop a critical thinking approach that prioritizes data analysis for informed choices
  • Embrace a structured and proactive approach to solving data science problems
  • Adopt a lifelong learning mindset to stay up-to-date with evolving data tools and techniques
  • Craft clear and compelling data visualizations and communicate insights effectively


  • Clean, organize, and prepare data for analysis using various tools like SQL and Python libraries
  • Extract meaningful insights from data through applying statistical concepts and hypothesis testing
  • Design impactful visualizations and dashboards tailored for specific audiences using tools like Excel, Tableau, and Power BI
  • Automate data analysis tasks and create more advanced visualizations through developing a strong foundation in Python programming
  • Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects and real-world applications



  • Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of project management
  • Explore Agile and Scrum methodologies and their applications in project management
  • Understand the core concepts of data science and its role in today's data-driven world
  • Grasp the fundamentals of relational databases and effectively use SQL for data querying and manipulation
  • Comprehend the key steps in the data analytics process and different data structures and sources
  • Create effective and accurate visualizations that convey a clear story
  • Practice essential Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy for data analysis and visualizations


The Art of Professional Presence

117 Parts

7 Chapters

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Project Accelerator

69 Parts

3 Chapters

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Application Development

81 Parts

4 Chapters

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Analytics Foundations

56 Parts

4 Chapters

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Data Analytics & Data Visualization

101 Parts

6 Chapters

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Python for Data

2 Parts

7 Chapters

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  • 240+ Journey Hours
  • 16+ Interactive Workshops
  • 20+ Tasks
  • 9 Weeks
  • Employability Impact
  • Arabic + English Artifacts Language


  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Basic foundation in basic mathematics, especially in algebra and statistics
  • Logical thinking and problem-solving
  • Basic knowledge of how databases work
  • Basic proficiency in Excel
  • Basic knowledge of fundamental statistical concepts like mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation
  • Pass the selection process

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